Are you stuck & low? 

 Let me help you to start making the changes

   Start to live without Anxiety, Fear, Guilt...

   Shift to freedom, focus, purpose

  • Learn how anxiety prevents you from performing
  • Understand Your Trauma from past events
  • Shift your limiting beliefs in your work place
  • How your triggers affect your relationships
  • Re-build your self esteem and confidence
  • Why alcohol and drugs have taken over your life
  • Find your lost vision and joy to life             
  • Ask yourself : Where do you want to be in a year


  Book free 30min phone call to discuss what you want to achieve


How Psychotherapy Counselling & Hypnotherapy can help you.


My name is Mary Galanis and I am a qualified 
Strategic Psychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist. 

"Psychotherapy together with Hypnotherapy are powerful tools that create a roadmap to our subconscious where deep and enduring shifts can take place."


Mary Galanis.

A Powerful Roadmap To Deep, Enduring Transformation....

Most people will experience some form of psychological, physical or emotional stress, trauma or another issue in their lifetime. Many people suffer from fears and anxiety related behaviours that prevent them from reaching their full potential. This could range from being unable to stop smoking to suffering old childhood trauma.

Clinical hypnosis is recognized by medical professionals as an effective, safe and lasting treatment for many psychological, physical & emotional issues.

Psychotherapy Counselling & Hypnotherapy can be used to treat various issues.

Mary specialises in:

>  general stress & anxiety
>  self esteem issues
>  childhood and event trauma 
>  work and low performance
>  relationship issues
>  substance and over drinking.

Women & Mens mental health and wellbeing within a mental health clinic space...

I can help guide you to overcome the issues you may be facing so you can achieve your goals and see positive change in your life. A positive state of mind can help improve your overall mental health and well-being. It can help you change your perspective to old ongoing issues. 

My role is to shift you UP and into the present and future.

Mary Galanis is skilled in Strategic Psychotherapy &  Clinical Hypnotherapy. 

In The Mind Clinic, I guides client gently and safely from a place of fear, trauma and destructive behaviour to empowerment confidence and purpose that lasts a lifetime.

Book a  free 30mins phone call to discuss what you want to achieve.

Let us keep you in the blog loop

May 20, 2024

Self Esteem and Self Confidence

Low self esteem is a common issue anyone can have. Our subconscious mind, known as our ‘inner voice’ can play a large role in our lives, […]
May 20, 2024


Anxiety is a prevalent issue in society. On average, one in four people in Australia aged 16 to 85, and one in three women and one […]
May 20, 2024


Depression and anxiety are often complex issues that require a comprehensive action plan. In order to tackle the root of the cause and overcome symptoms, it […]
May 20, 2024


Hypnotherapy offers you the chance to deal with and eliminate symptoms of trauma without the dangers of re-traumatisation. A hypnotherapist can guide you to avoid any […]

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