Find Relief from Relationship Issues

Relationships, whether of a romantic, platonic, familial, or professional nature, are undeniably complex and can often be challenging to navigate. Despite the difficulties, it is through these meaningful connections that you find enrichment and a deep sense of fulfillment in your life.

Seeking connection, intimacy, and open dialogue in every relationship is innate to human nature, yet achieving these ideals can be hindered by a multitude of underlying causes.

Emotions, with their intricacies, may often muddle your interactions and can escalate conflicts. It is crucial to recognize the difference between healthy conflict, which can be resolved constructively, and unhealthy conflict that lingers, fostering resentment. Addressing issues promptly is essential, as unresolved conflicts can lead to you feelings of rejection, hurt, and frustration, ultimately jeopardising the bond between you and others.  Contact Mary for support and insight to start your mental health journey. 

Hello, I'm Mary Galanis

Mary Galanis is an accredited Strategic Psychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist dedicated to guiding you towards recognising and resolving your issues with a pragmatic approach.

My philosophy revolves around empowering you to comprehend your challenges and facilitate a path towards effective solutions.

Known for a practical mindset and commitment to delivering to you tangible results, I ensure you will  receive personalised attention tailored to your unique needs. Drawing from a diverse set of tools including Hypnosis, EMDR for Trauma, Psychotherapy, and Somatic Healing,

My treatments will cater to your holistic well-being as I work with you. Beyond my professional endeavours,  I find enjoyment with my 2 adult daughters, yoga practice, and the companionship of my two beloved cats.

In our journey, I strive for continual improvement, embodying the essence of growth and betterment for you in your mental wellness. 

I understand that the process of being in a relationships or ending a relationship can often leave you feeling emotionally lost and confused thus leading to poor behaviours and making incorrect decisions.

There are effective tools supported by evidence that can help you regain control over your doubts and uncertainties of a relationship ending. I will assist you in identifying these tools and teaching you how to effectively utilize them.

I offer you tailored treatments to your goals and wellbeing journey.

To Better and Better

Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy for Relationships issues

If you are struggling in relationships, hypnotherapy offers a transformative path forward. By addressing your underlying psychological roots and tapping into your hidden recesses of the mind, hypnotherapy accelerates the healing process, empowering you to define your relationship goals and work towards them with precision.

This therapeutic approach not only resolves immediate problems satisfactorily but also equips you with the tools to cultivate healthier ways of thinking and behaving. The impact of hypnotherapy extends beyond the present, promising lasting improvements in the quality of your relationships. With its ability to deliver rapid change and sustainable results, hypnotherapy stands as a beacon of hope, boosting your self-esteem and providing resolution-focused intervention for a wide range of relationship challenges.

To embark on a journey towards healthier, fulfilling relationships, Contact Mary to start your mental health journey. 

Success Stories

My husband and I needed help. Our relationship had been failing for quite a few years. Mary helped with communication and conflict. We needed all the help available. Mary is very patient and understanding.


Mary helped me with my marriage breakdown. She helped me recognise I was in charge of the choices I made in life. Very grateful.

Sarah F


1What are relationship issues?
Relationships can encompass a variety of challenges, such as marital problems, breakups, and managing conflicts between partners. Effective communication and conflict resolution are key issues in relationships. It is important to acknowledge that individuals have their own set of values which may not always align with those of their partners.
2How relationship counselling helps?
When faced with challenges such as dating anxiety, marital issues, sexual anxiety, and relationship breakdowns, hypnotherapy can address the root causes and disrupt the negative patterns contributing to them. By eliminating triggers and resolving persistent issues, hypnotherapy can help individuals effectively overcome challenges in the long term. Many individuals report finding hypnotherapy to be a deeply relaxing, enjoyable, and cathartic experience. Hypnotherapy provides individuals with a means to express their emotions and enhances their capacity to address their challenges. This form of therapy is effective in facilitating quick and lasting transformation. Moreover, it has a therapeutic effect, contributing significantly to the improvement of self-confidence, emotional well-being, and optimism. Hypnotherapy proves to be highly beneficial in the realm of relationships by offering prompt assistance and addressing a wide range of issues. Whether dealing with situational or personal conflicts, or even uncovering hidden anxieties and traumas, hypnotherapy offers a solution-oriented method to efficiently resolve specific concerns. An example of relationship counselling is couples counselling, which enhances therapy by fostering open communication and understanding between partners.
3How effective is hypnotherapy for relationships?
Whether you’re in a romantic relationship, a friendship or any other relationship, it’s important to distinguish between normal and healthy conflict to an unhealthy, damaging one. The constant presence of arguments that take place with malice, anger and little to no compassion for instance is a sure sign of unhealthy, unresolved conflict. It can be a source of frequent disagreements, often with a lack of solution-seeking intent and may lead both parties to vilify each other. If this sounds like something you are dealing with, then it’s time to question the need for relationship counselling hypnotherapy. When you’d like concrete, far reaching impact that’s more than what your average relationship coach Melbourne service can give you, hypnotherapy will help you reach a healthy dialogue, yielding positive results in long-term problem-solving and conflict resolution. It eliminates roadblocks to relationship mending, uncovers and resolves hidden tensions and resentments that fuel frequent arguments. Hypnotherapy breaks down repeating patterns that lead to external and internal conflict in relationships. It changes your subconscious, leads to healthier behaviours and allows you to overcome difficult emotions in conflict to resolve them constructively. It also helps you build confidence to ask for what you need, which is important in relationships. If you’d like a new lease on life for your relationship, hypnotherapy can restore connection in deteriorating relationships, and enable healthy communication and resolution in the long run.
4How safe is hypnotherapy for anxiety?
Yes, hypnotherapy is very safe. Hypnotherapy creates a safe space where you feel comfortable, calm, and at ease. A 2015 review published in the academic journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine# found there were no adverse effects of hypnotherapy when treating relationships.
5What does a typical session look like ?
Sessions last for 60 minutes. This gives me time to treat both the mind and the body. The first session lasts for 90 minutes. All other sessions are 60 minutes each.) Beginning: Typically, each session begins with a discussion of what’s happened since your last session. This gives us a clear idea of the progress you feel you’ve made and what areas we need to focus on. Middle: You’ll sit back, relax, and listen as you receive hypnotherapy (most clients’ favourite part of the session!). End: Finally, we’ll discuss what actions need to take place between this session and your next to ensure your healing continues.
6How many sessions will I need ?
It’s important to understand everyone has a different set of circumstances. That’s why I tailor each treatment program according to your individual needs. As a general guide, most people develop the tools they need to achieve symptom decrease and gradually overcome anxiety after 3 to 6 sessions
7Can sessions be done online?
Hypnotherapy can be done either online or in person. Both forms are equally effective, so it’s really up to you. I’m located in Caulfield, Vic. Some people prefer online treatment because they don’t have to leave the comfort of their own homes. Others prefer to come in person because they’re more relaxed face-to-face and they don’t have to use video call technology.
8How do i get in touch with you?
Simply send me a message using the enquiry/booking form or book in a 30mins free discovery call. and I’ll be in touch! Or If you’d like to have a quick chat prior to booking a session, you can also call me on 0411 11 4587. I look forward to meeting you.