Find Freedom From Anxiety

Everyone feels anxious and stressed from time to time, but when these feelings persist without a clear cause or hinder daily functioning, it may indicate a deeper issue with your anxiety.

Anxiety can disrupt your ability to handle tasks, fulfill responsibilities, and maintain relationships, impacting both your mental and physical health.

While stress is a common response to pressure, anxiety lingers and intensifies, often without reason.

Strategic Hypnotherapy offers you a proven solution if your struggling with anxiety, providing a fast and long-lasting method to break free from its grip.

With 1 in 4 individuals experiencing anxiety at some point in their lives, seeking effective anxiety treatment is crucial for reclaiming peace of mind and overall well-being. Contact Mary to start your mental health journey.

Hello, I'm Mary Galanis

Mary Galanis is an accredited Strategic Psychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist dedicated to guiding you towards recognising and resolving your issues with a pragmatic approach.

My philosophy revolves around empowering you to comprehend your challenges and facilitate a path towards effective solutions.

Known for a practical mindset and commitment to delivering to you tangible results, I ensure you will  receive personalised attention tailored to your unique needs. Drawing from a diverse set of tools including Hypnosis, EMDR for Trauma, Psychotherapy, and Somatic Healing.

My treatments will cater to your holistic well-being as I work with you. Beyond my professional endeavours,  I find enjoyment with my 2 adult daughters, yoga practice, and the companionship of my two beloved cats.

In our journey, I strive for continual improvement, embodying the essence of growth and betterment for you in your mental wellness. 

I am aware that anxiety can strip away your sense of control, instill fear, and influence your decisions and actions.

There are established and evidence-supported methods available to help regain control over your fears quickly. I will assist you in identifying these tools and learning how to effectively utilize them.

I offer you tailored treatments to your goals and wellbeing journey.

To Better and Better

How Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Treat Anxiety

Clinical Hypnotherapy is a transformative method for managing stress and anxiety by delving into your subconscious to alter your negative thought patterns and behaviors.

This innovative approach accesses the deeper layers of your mind to soothe and redirect it in ways that conventional therapy may not achieve. By inducing a state of relaxation, we unlock the gateway to your mind's repository of memories and habits. Through the strategic combination  of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy using the esteemed Gordian Pillars of Psychotherapy, I am  able to address not only the symptoms but also the root causes of your stress and anxiety.

Delving into the subconscious in a tranquil setting, we collaborate with you to unearth and resolve underlying issues that are  fueling your stress and anxiety.

Through metaphorical language and cognitive reframing, the process aims to reset ingrained patterns of your negative thinking that fuel those anxious emotions.

It's a process of rewiring the brain's response mechanisms, guiding it to adopt new perspectives on potentially stressful situations. By tapping into your subconscious mind through hypnosis, you  can experience shifts in perception that pave the way for substantial enhancements in managing anxiety and stress, fostering your mental and physical well-being. Contact Mary to start your mental health journey.


Success Stories

I suffered for a long time with anxiety. Everything in my life was hectic. Mary helped me realise I was living in a constant state of stress.

Frances Welder

My work performance was suffering. I wasn't sure why until I found Mary and I realised I was over thinking and not processing my thoughts. We did much work on my inner critic and negative thinking patterns.



1What is anxiety ?
Anxiety is characterized by a high level of concern or fear about potential events, rather than current circumstances. In Australia, anxiety disorders are the prevalent form of mental health issue, impacting 25% of individuals at some point in their lives.
2What are the symptoms of anxiety?
Anxiety causes both mental and physical symptoms. Everyone has a unique experience, but you may feel the following: -Worry -Over thinking -Heart palpitations -Tenseness -Headaches -Waking up at night -Fear -Panic attack -Knots in stomach
3Common Issues associated with Anxiety.
• Insomnia • Perfectionism/Fear of Failure • Critical Self Talk • Over Thinking • High Need for Control • Nail Biting/Compulsive behaviour • Over Responsibility • over drinking, substance, smoking
4Common themes we run in anxiety.
1. Avoidance - we avoid taking action or tackling the problem. 2. Global – focus on feelings to assess and have no process to resolve. In reality our feelings may be incorrect to what is actually happening. 3. Internal orientation – anxiety is fear of what MIGHT happen – imagination – over thinking and over analysis. 4. Compartmentalization – can't turn off our mind. Over think the problem. Thus, we teach you skills to park it. 5. Intolerance for Ambiguity – We catastrophise the problem. – imagine the worse scenario. The UNKNOWN of what might happen. 6. External locus of control - we feel they we don’t control anything and its the outer world that we need to control. In reality we need to change your inner world. 7. Future orientation – we have a negative expectancy and the future looks bleak. We worry for what might happen. 8. Stable Attribution - we forget we have the ability to change even though the problem may be a long standing one.
5What we will focus on and how we will break up the issue..
1. Distinction btw what they can control and what they cannot 2. Distinction what they are responsible for and what they are not. 3. Distinction what is probable and what is merely possible 4. Distinction what is worth worrying about and what is not 5. Distinction btw how much analysis is useful and how much is over analysis 6. Distinction when they should go with their feeling and when they should not 7. Distinction what they imagine and what is real
6How effective is hypnotherapy for anxiety?
Experience a powerful blend of Hypnotherapy, Strategic Psychotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), and coaching, all tailored to your strengths. This approach dives into your subconscious patterns, respecting your unique journey. With Strategic Psychotherapy and coaching, you’ll take proactive steps, while NLP helps you harness the power of your thoughts and feelings. Coaching boosts your personal growth, resilience, and self-love. This combination not only helps you heal from anxiety but also empowers you for lasting positive change. Gain the strength, support, and practical tools you need to create your own future.
7How safe is hypnotherapy for anxiety?
Yes, hypnotherapy is very safe for anxiety. Hypnotherapy creates a safe space where you feel comfortable, calm, and at ease. A 2015 review published in the academic journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine# found there were no adverse effects of hypnotherapy when treating anxiety.
8What does a typical session look like ?
Sessions last for 60 minutes. This gives me time to treat both the mind and the body. The first session lasts for 90 minutes. All other sessions are 60 minutes each.) Beginning: Typically, each session begins with a discussion of what’s happened since your last session. This gives us a clear idea of the progress you feel you’ve made and what areas we need to focus on. Middle: You’ll sit back, relax, and listen as you receive hypnotherapy (most clients’ favourite part of the session!). End: Finally, we’ll discuss what actions need to take place between this session and your next to ensure your healing continues.
9How many sessions will I need ?
It’s important to understand everyone has a different set of circumstances. That’s why I tailor each treatment program according to your individual needs. As a general guide, most people develop the tools they need to achieve symptom decrease and gradually overcome anxiety after 3 to 6 sessions
10Can sessions be done online?
Hypnotherapy can be done either online or in person. Both forms are equally effective, so it’s really up to you. I’m located in Caulfield, Vic. Some people prefer online treatment because they don’t have to leave the comfort of their own homes. Others prefer to come in person because they’re more relaxed face-to-face and they don’t have to use video call technology.
11How do I get in touch with you?
Simply send me a message using the enquiry/booking form or book in a 30mins free discovery call. And I’ll be in touch! Or If you’d like to have a quick chat prior to booking a session, you can also call me on 0411 11 4587. I look forward to meeting you.