Find Solutions for Insomnia

Sleep anxiety/Insomnia refers to the apprehension experienced when trying to fall asleep or simply staying awake by over worrying or over thinking. This feeling can sometimes extend beyond simply worrying, it may encompass fears related to the act of sleeping or the inability to remain asleep. Certain conditions have the potential to develop into anxiety disorders or phobias.

This fear is classified as an anxiety disorder, while general sleep anxiety is considered a form of performance anxiety. Individuals suffering insomnia, face a persistent fear that impedes their ability to fall asleep, even when feeling tired.

The negative impacts of inadequate sleep not only pose risks to one's physical health over time, but can also lead to the onset of different mental health disorders. If you are grappling with sleep anxiety or insomnia, hypnotherapy can be a beneficial method to address and overcome these challenges.

Hypnosis is particularly beneficial in addressing anxiety related to sleep by assisting individuals in calming their minds and releasing the thoughts that disrupt their ability to sleep. It targets and alleviates the negative symptoms and triggers that interfere with one's ability to fall asleep.  Contact Mary to have a chat to discover what type of  insomnia you have.

Hello, I'm Mary Galanis 

Mary Galanis is an accredited Strategic Psychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist dedicated to guiding you towards recognising and resolving your issues with a pragmatic approach.

My philosophy revolves around empowering you to comprehend your challenges and facilitate a path towards effective solutions.

Known for a practical mindset and commitment to delivering to you tangible results, I ensure you will  receive personalised attention tailored to your unique needs. Drawing from a diverse set of tools including Hypnosis, EMDR for Trauma, Psychotherapy, and Somatic Healing,

My treatments will cater to your holistic well-being as I work with you. Beyond my professional endeavours,  I find enjoyment with my 2 adult daughters, yoga practice, and the companionship of my two beloved cats.

In our journey, I strive for continual improvement, embodying the essence of growth and betterment for you in your mental wellness. 

I understand that insomnia and sleep anxiety  can  leave you feeling confused  and anxious, as it leaves you feeling constantly tired and unable to make decisions or have clarity in your life. 

There are effective tools supported by evidence that can help you regain control over your sleep issues. I will assist you in identifying these tools and teach you how to effectively utilize them.

I offer you tailored treatments to your goals and wellbeing journey.

To Better and Better

How Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Treat Insomnia

Lack of sleep can make you anxious about sleeping, but parasomnia takes it to another level by causing extreme fear and anxiety about going to bed. It goes beyond just worrying about not getting enough sleep or waking up in the middle of the night.

People with parasomnia may stay awake for hours because they are too scared to fall asleep. Fortunately, hypnotherapy can help treat different fears. Sleep hypnosis, for example, is a way to use hypnotherapy to solve sleep issues. Some people wrongly think that sleep hypnosis causes you to fall asleep while being hypnotized.

Sleep hypnosis actually helps in transforming the negative thoughts or habits linked to sleep. By addressing the root causes of your sleep-related anxiety and eliminating triggers that contribute to your symptoms, hypnotherapy can assist you in achieving your sleep goals effectively over time.

After finishing hypnotherapy, the patient will feel relaxed and calm because they have started the journey to solving their  sleep anxiety. Contact Mary  to start your journey to falling asleep.

Success Stories

I used Mary for old trauma challenges. She was kind and thoughtful.. Her ability to tap into my issue was knowledgeable and she is easy to talk to.

Jane Campion

I suffered for a long time with anxiety. Everything in my life was hectic. Mary helped me realise I was living in a constant state of stress.

Frances Welder

Mary helped me with my marriage breakdown. She helped me recognise I was in charge of the choices I made in life. Very grateful.

Sarah F

I had never had any therapy in my life. I realised I needed help when my weight was becoming a real problem to control and I was unhappy.



1How hypnotherapy wards off sleep anxiety?
Hypnotherapy aims to address the root physical, emotional, or psychological factors. Common anxieties that exacerbate sleep disorders often revolve around health issues, such as fear of death, concerns about nightmares, anxiety regarding maintaining sleep, or engaging in harmful nighttime habits. Hypnotherapy utilizes relaxation methods to address negative triggers and thought patterns that disrupt your sleep. A hypnotherapist assists you in achieving a tranquil, meditative state to address underlying anxieties that affect your ability to sleep. Through hypnosis, they can provide focused and impartial guidance to help you overcome barriers to restful sleep. Moreover, hypnotherapy is recognized for enhancing feelings of optimism, confidence, and overall health. These factors contribute to the effectiveness of hypnotherapy in alleviating symptoms of anxiety.
2How safe is hypnotherapy for insomnia?
Yes, hypnotherapy is very safe for insomnia. Hypnotherapy creates a safe space where you feel comfortable, calm, and at ease. A 2015 review published in the academic journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine# found there were no adverse effects of hypnotherapy when treating trauma.
3What does a typical session look like ?
Sessions last for 60 minutes. This gives me time to treat both the mind and the body. The first session lasts for 90 minutes. All other sessions are 60 minutes each.) Beginning: Typically, each session begins with a discussion of what’s happened since your last session. This gives us a clear idea of the progress you feel you’ve made and what areas we need to focus on. Middle: You’ll sit back, relax, and listen as you receive hypnotherapy (most clients’ favourite part of the session!). End: Finally, we’ll discuss what actions need to take place between this session and your next to ensure your healing continues.
4How many sessions will I need ?
It’s important to understand everyone has a different set of circumstances. That’s why I tailor each treatment program according to your individual needs. As a general guide, most people develop the tools they need to achieve symptom decrease and gradually overcome anxiety after 3 to 6 sessions
5Can sessions be done online?
Hypnotherapy can be done either online or in person. Both forms are equally effective, so it’s really up to you. I’m located in Caulfield, Vic. Some people prefer online treatment because they don’t have to leave the comfort of their own homes. Others prefer to come in person because they’re more relaxed face-to-face and they don’t have to use video call technology.
6How do I get in touch with you?
Simply send me a message using the enquiry/booking form or book in a 30mins free discovery call. and I’ll be in touch! Or If you’d like to have a quick chat prior to booking a session, you can also call me on 0411 11 4587. I look forward to meeting you.