Hypnotherapy FAQs: What to Expect

Hypnotherapy is a natural occurring state of deep relaxation where you can access your subconscious mind.

Between the times of pre-birth and between 0 -7 years old our subconscious mind is the most suggestible where we take in a lot around us and store memories, things that have happened to us, traumas, fears and phobias. These are stored in our subconscious mind.

Hypnosis is where we can access the subconscious mind to help redefine those traumas, fears and memories that are holding us back from the life we want to be living.

It is a very gentle state where you may feel like you’re in a light sleep or where you may feel you hear every word. A hypnotherapist cannot make you do something against your will or anything you do not want to do.

Hypnosis is similar to day dreaming - a natural subconscious process which is experienced daily by everyone. It can be considered to be your super power ,as it is also the same mechanism by which we learn.

It is a highly subjective experience that varies in quality from person to person.

Hypnosis is the experience of total absorption, a powerful focus on something such as a thought, a feeling, a memory, an expectation, a sensation, or any specific aspect of your personal experience.


How hypnosis works.

Hypnosis reduces the activity of the critical, analytical and sometimes inhibiting part of the brain. As a result It allows you to be more creative and imaginative by utilising the deeper and less conscious part of the brain. It is through this process that you will be able to gain insights and new understandings, learnings and perspectives.

In other words - our sub conscious is where our beliefs and values lie. The area that dictates our behaviour.

Hypnosis via the relaxed state will absorb the information that is sent to it during hypnosis and create a perception change of how one reacts to events.

Example. If a friend speaks seemingly rudely to you - you can decide to ignore it or over analyse it and try to decipher what they meant by the comment.

“The brain is the most advanced biological system in the known universe and each of our brains has more neural pathways than there are stars in the galaxy” (Richard Bandler)

What is Strategic Psychotherapy?

Strategic psychotherapy is also known as direct therapy. Its client centred and therapist led.

It's about listening to the use of language of the problem and analysing it to discover cognitive distortions and then addressing these while in a hypnotic state. I also use reframed questions that enable people to make discoveries and come to realisations. I help you harness your resources and build skills that enable you to overcome the challenges you are facing. 

What does Hypnosis feel like?

Most people find hypnosis highly pleasurable and often report wishing they could stay in the hypnotic state longer! Everyone has a slightly different experience but we all go into natural hypnotic states regularly, so you already know what it feels like for you. These natural hypnotic states occur just before you fall asleep at night or when you're doing something so routine or so engrossing that your conscious brain is able to switch off and filter out the outside world.

Who can be Hypnotised?


You are able to benefit from hypnosis even if you do not enter a deep trance. Some people experience feeling "far away" whereas others remain closer to the surface of consciousness, but this has no impact on the outcomes.

It is common for people to think that they are too strong-minded to be hypnotised but hypnotic states are a completely normal part of life and can be induced in everyone.

How Many Sessions will I Need ?

Generally 3 to 6 sessions per issue. Often people have been grappling with issues for a long time, so it can take more than one session to address. Many people report feeling such improvement after the first session that they don't think they need further sessions.

For the change to be long-lasting, it's important to spend the time. I need to ensure you are not only feeling better but doing better. The change is seen in the behaviour.

Some people enjoy the sessions and the obvious benefits that they choose to keep coming every so often as a form of self care - a form of relaxing mind meditation.

What are the benefits of Hypnosis ?

Hypnosis is the vehicle by which the therapy is delivered. Using a hypnotic state enables change and progress to be made more quickly as you can bypass thought patterns and behaviours that keep people stuck.

Do I lose control ?

As your hypnotherapist, I will guide you AND you are always the one in control. I purely navigate and suggest the route but do not control the vehicle. If I suggest a path you dislike, you can avoid it.

Hypnosis is NOT mind control.

If you have any questions that our hypnotherapy FAQs haven't addressed, please feel free to reach out to us.


Outline of a session.

30mins Free Discovery Call

This will allow us to have an initial chat to discuss what you want to achieve.


1st  Session 90mins

We will spend time

1. Exploring and discussing your issue

2. Discussing and Developing a treatment plan that will suit to your best outcome.

3. Perform a hypnosis session.

4. Discuss the session and Homework

Your session will be recorded for you to listen to.



Follow Up sessions 60mins

We will add on to the above session and continue to build towards your best Self.

Your session will be recorded for you to listen to.



Online Session Available

Book FREE 30 Minute Discovery Call