Find Freedom from Trauma

Trauma is a universal experience that can stem from a wide range of circumstances, such as the loss of loved ones, job instability, divorce, violence, neglect, and natural disasters.

Its impact knows no bounds, affecting individuals across all age groups, social statuses, and economic backgrounds.

Left unaddressed,  your trauma can lead to severe mental health issues like depression, anxiety disorders, and even post-traumatic stress disorder. These unresolved traumas can manifest in various ways, from impediments to daily functioning to long-term health complications.

The repercussions extend beyond your mental health, often culminating in personal, financial, and social struggles, including substance abuse and suicidal tendencies.

As a professional in this field, my aim is to assist you in recognising, addressing, and overcoming the effects of your trauma, enabling them to heal and regain control over your well-being and quality of life. Contact Mary to book your mental health journey.

Hello I'm Mary Galanis


Mary Galanis is an accredited Strategic Psychotherapist & Clinical Hypnotherapist dedicated to guiding you towards recognising and resolving your issues with a pragmatic approach.

My philosophy revolves around empowering you to comprehend your challenges and facilitate a path towards effective solutions.

Known for a practical mindset and commitment to delivering to you tangible results, I ensure you will  receive personalised attention tailored to your unique needs. Drawing from a diverse set of tools including Hypnosis, EMDR for Trauma, Psychotherapy, and Somatic Healing,

My treatments will cater to your holistic well-being as I work with you. Beyond my professional endeavours,  I find enjoyment with my 2 adult daughters, yoga practice, and the companionship of my two beloved cats.

In our journey, I strive for continual improvement, embodying the essence of growth and betterment for you in your mental wellness. 

I understand that your fears, trauma and phobias  can often leave you feeling helpless and anxious, as it can limit your actions and choices.

There are effective tools supported by evidence that can help you regain control over your traumas and fears quickly. I will assist you in identifying these tools and teach you how to effectively utilize them.

I offer you tailored treatments to your goals and wellbeing journey.

To Better and Better

How Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy Treat Trauma and PTSD


The weight of unresolved trauma can severely impact your emotional well-being and overall health, leaving you susceptible to mental health issues and chronic conditions.

Hypnotherapy offers a gentle yet powerful method to address deep-seated trauma triggers without re-traumatising you. By facilitating a safe and peaceful resolution, hypnotherapy effectively alleviates your traumatic symptoms and allows for emotional release, aiding in the restoration of your mental and physical health.

This therapeutic approach not only provides you support and understanding but also enhances your feelings of hopefulness, wellbeing, and improved mood.

Additionally, the integration of EMDR techniques can further aid in disconnecting from your  triggering images, promoting lasting healing and personal growth. 

Contact Mary to book your mental health journey.

Success Stories

I used Mary for old trauma challenges. She was kind and thoughtful.. Her ability to tap into my issue was knowledgeable and she is easy to talk to.


I spent alot of time on my own. I had not been in a relationship in a very long time and I was estramged from my parents. I had a breakdown on top of all that. I was having nightmares and panic attacks.



1What is trauma and PTSD ?
The Emotional and psychological Trauma is the result of over stressful events that change your sense of security, making you feel helpless in a dangerous world. Psychological trauma can leave you struggling with upsetting emotions, memories, and anxiety that won’t go away. It can also leave you feeling numb, disconnected, and unable to trust other people. Traumatic experiences often involve a threat to life or safety, but any situation that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and isolated can result in trauma, even if it doesn’t involve physical harm. It’s not the objective circumstances that determine whether an event is traumatic, but your subjective emotional experience of the event. The more frightened and helpless you feel, the more likely you are to be traumatized. Emotional and psychological trauma can be caused by: • One-time events, such as an accident, injury, or a violent attack, especially if it was unexpected or happened in childhood. • Ongoing stress, battling a life-threatening illness or experiencing traumatic events that occur repeatedly, such as bullying, domestic violence, or childhood neglect. • Other life causes, such as surgery (especially in the first 3 years of life), the sudden death of someone close, the breakup of a significant relationship, or a humiliating or deeply disappointing experience, especially if someone was deliberately cruel.
2What are the symptoms of trauma & PTSD?
We all react to trauma in different ways, experiencing a wide range of physical and emotional reactions. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to think, feel, or respond, so don't judge your own reactions or those of other people. Your responses are Normal reactions to Abnormal events. Emotional and psychological symptoms: • Shock, denial, or disbelief. • Confusion, difficulty concentrating. • Anger, irritability, mood swings. • Anxiety and fear. • Guilt, shame, self-blame. • Withdrawing from others. • Feeling sad or hopeless. • Feeling disconnected or numb. • Feeling of rejection - judgment - abandonment Physical symptoms: • Insomnia or nightmares. • Fatigue. • Being startled easily. • Difficulty concentrating. • Racing heartbeat. • Edginess and agitation. • Aches and pains. • Muscle tension. Life Symptoms • substance and over drinking • narcissistic relationships • mood swings • depression and anxiety • social isolation and withdrawal • insomnia • panic attacks • anger • overwhelming fear
3How Childhood Trauma can occur.
While traumatic events can happen to anyone, you're more likely to be traumatized by an event if you're already under a heavy stress load, have recently suffered a series of losses, or have been traumatized before—especially if the earlier trauma occurred in childhood. Childhood trauma can result from anything that disrupts a child's sense of safety, including: • An unstable or unsafe environment. • Separation from a parent. • Serious illness. • Intrusive medical procedures. • Sexual, physical or verbal abuse • Domestic violence. • Neglect. Experiencing trauma in childhood can result in a severe and long-lasting effect. When childhood trauma is not resolved, a sense of fear and helplessness carries over into adulthood, setting the stage for further trauma. However, even if your trauma happened many years ago, there are steps you can take to overcome the pain, learn to trust and connect to others again, and regain your sense of emotional balance.
4Why You Need Hypnotherapy For Trauma Treatment
Hypnotherapy offers you the chance to deal with and eliminate symptoms of trauma without the dangers of re-traumatisation. A hypnotherapist can guide you to avoid any escalating trauma symptoms you may experience so you won’t have to relive the traumatic event. This includes any feelings of impending doom, nervous stomach, increased heart rate, shortness of breath and muscle tension. The goal of hypnotherapy for trauma is to prevent more serious conditions as a result of trauma such as long-term chronic pain, concentration problems, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and other serious physical or psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can effectively remove old triggers and emotional barriers to healing from trauma. This way, you can gain the freedom you need and move forward in life with confidence.
5How effective is hypnotherapy for trauma & PTSD?
Hypnotherapy offers you the chance to deal with and eliminate symptoms of trauma without the dangers of re-traumatisation. A hypnotherapist can guide you to avoid any escalating trauma symptoms you may experience so you won’t have to relive the traumatic event. This includes any feelings of impending doom, nervous stomach, increased heart rate, shortness of breath and muscle tension. The goal of hypnotherapy for trauma is to prevent more serious conditions as a result of trauma such as long-term chronic pain, concentration problems, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and other serious physical or psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can effectively remove old triggers and emotional barriers to healing from trauma. This way, you can gain the freedom you need and move forward in life with confidence
6How safe is hypnotherapy for trauma & PTSD?
Yes, hypnotherapy is very safe for trauma. Hypnotherapy creates a safe space where you feel comfortable, calm, and at ease. A 2015 review published in the academic journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine# found there were no adverse effects of hypnotherapy when treating trauma.
7What does a typical session look like ?
Sessions last for 60 minutes. This gives me time to treat both the mind and the body. The first session lasts for 90 minutes. All other sessions are 60 minutes each.) Beginning: Typically, each session begins with a discussion of what’s happened since your last session. This gives us a clear idea of the progress you feel you’ve made and what areas we need to focus on. Middle: You’ll sit back, relax, and listen as you receive hypnotherapy (most clients’ favourite part of the session!). End: Finally, we’ll discuss what actions need to take place between this session and your next to ensure your healing continues.
8How many sessions will I need ?
It’s important to understand everyone has a different set of circumstances. That’s why I tailor each treatment program according to your individual needs. As a general guide, most people develop the tools they need to achieve symptom decrease and gradually overcome anxiety after 3 to 6 sessions
9Can sessions be done online?
Hypnotherapy can be done either online or in person. Both forms are equally effective, so it’s really up to you. I’m located in Caulfield, Vic. Some people prefer online treatment because they don’t have to leave the comfort of their own homes. Others prefer to come in person because they’re more relaxed face-to-face and they don’t have to use video call technology.
10How do I get in touch with you?
Simply send me a message using the enquiry/booking form or book in a 30mins free discovery call. and I’ll be in touch! Or If you’d like to have a quick chat prior to booking a session, you can also call me on 0411 11 4587. I look forward to meeting you.